Our expertise as accredited Mediators will guide your business through difficult and complex situations ensuring respect and dignity is maintained throughout for all parties. We also conduct Investigations and represent employers at WRC adjudications, preparing appropriate documentation and submissions.

At People Matters, we believe all differences are best resolved internally through communication and mediation.
Mediation is a process in which an independent trained Mediator facilitates parties in resolving their dispute in a collaborative manner and is a highly effective way of resolving even the most complex disputes when both parties agree that they are willing to seek a solution. As a Certified Mediator, we assist the parties through a process which fosters resolution by negotiation rather than confrontation in a safe, voluntary and respectful way.
We will assist you through the essential steps of handling any investigation, disciplinary or grievance providing supporting documentation and independent expert advice.
We will ensure that proper procedures and good practice are followed, minimising any absenteeism, all the while ensuring that proper procedures and good practice are followed and minimising any potential liability and unnecessary costs such as time lost through absenteeism. Our professionalism, sensitivity and impartiality in conducting investigations will assure you that your organisation can resolve such matters respectfully and move on with your business.
WRC Representation
Breaches of Employment legislation may involve lengthy procedures through third parties such as the Workplace Relations Commission(WRC) and the Labour Court and may result in significant fines.
In the unfortunate event that an employment claim is made against your organisation, People Matters will represent you at the hearing, We will compile your submission ensuring that all relevant details are captured and present a strong valid case on your behalf anticipating potential challenges.
Employee Relations
Employers cannot afford to ignore employee relations issues because of the negative impact on all aspects of your business from recruitment to productivity and overall morale of the workforce.
People Matters will work with your team to understand the issues , rebuilding communications to restore and maximise work performance.